Monday, January 28, 2008

A visit to Lourdes...

I was asked in the comments after my most recent health update if I'd ever considered a trip to Lourdes. In fact I have -- I went in the fall of 2005, during my first year living in Germany, as part of my first "European vacation". The following is an edited excerpt of an e-mail I sent to my family (with the above photo):

is a famous pilgrimage destination, owing to the visions a 14-year-old nun-in-training named Bernadette experienced back in the mid-1800s. She was visited frequently by the Virgin Mary, who instructed her to pray for sinners among other things. As a sign that the visits were genuine, a spring suddenly started flowing from the rocks near the cave where the visits were taking place. Bernadette was simply instructed to wash her face and pray, and she drank a little bit of the water. But in the 150 years or so since, there have been many documented cures associated with the waters from the spring. I didn't go expecting any kind of cure for myself. I went for this reason as much as any other: to remind myself that God still works miracles, and that I should be open to putting myself in a position to receive one. I spent 2 days praying, reflecting, and otherwise being reminded that I am wonderfully blessed, in spite of my current struggles. I don't know what the Lord has in store for me -- who among us knows how many days we've got? -- but I know that today, so long as I've got breath within me, I should trust Him and do good. And while I often fall short of the good I should do, I will trust in His mercy and love, then try and do better.


Steve said...

The family and I stopped in at the campus of Notre Dame this summer when we were out visiting my cousin who lives in the area. I am amazed at what a great job they did in replicating the grotto. I knew that it was supposed to be reminiscent of the grotto, but when I read your latest blog post and saw that picture my first thought was "how come he's got a picture of the ND grotto on his blog?" Didn't realize how much of a replica it really is...

Dennis said...

From Gigi's comment, to this blog posting, to your comment, Steve, to watching Rudi this evening, I am reminded of something I wanted to begin tomorrow. And am reminded that God still speaks to me, in the smallest of ways...