Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Yesterday I finished with my latest run of radiation treatments. We'd been targeting, over the past two weeks, two tumors -- the big one on my right hand side, and one of the two known to be growing in my right lung. I can feel both of the tumors in my lung -- small lumps just beneath the ribs, one about 1/2-way up, the other a couple of inches lower. We targeted the higher one.

The results? Well, from what Dr. Meyer today informed me, we may yet see some late effects -- larger tumors may sometimes have delayed effects, so the tumor on my right hand side may still shrink or reduce its contribution to my pain. At the moment, it seems we've done a good job on the tumor in my lung (much less sensitive to the touch than the other in my lung, though about the same size), while I don't notice any change in the tumor on my side (above possibility notwithstanding).

I see Dr. Grapski tomorrow, then this weekend I will depart Knoxville for the Chicago area. I am, as I've noted many times before, very much looking forward to being in the hands of my doctors up north. While radiation can keep one or two tumors at bay for a couple of weeks at a time, our best bet for stabilizing the disease is through chemo. And while we've used up the "best" chemo options, there's always the chance that something else is waiting for us to try...something off the beaten path.


Anonymous said...

The prayer below was sent to me
via email. Every day a new joke, cause, prayer, etc flies through the net worldwide, to be sent on or deleted as the receiver sees fit. Today, I saw fit to share the prayer below. You are in my prayers and in my heart every day, many times a day. I love you. May God be with you, always and forever.

"May today be all that you need it to be today. May the peace of God and the freshness of the Holy Spirit rest in your thoughts, rule in your dreams tonight and conquer all your fears. May God manifest himself today in ways that you have never experienced. May your joys be fulfilled, your dreams be closer, and your prayers be answered. I pray that faith enters a new height for you; I pray that your territory is enlarged and I pray that you step into your destiny within your ministry. I pray for peace, health, happiness and true and undying love for God." Amen.

Anonymous said...


I'm praying for you everyday at Mass. I wish you an easy move.


Anonymous said...

Come home, Dennis. Come home.

Anonymous said...

Rest in peace Dennis. You are free from all your pain and sufferings. I will never forget you. Thank you for coming into my life. I'll see you in Heaven and you can teach me more about philosophy. Always your neighbor...Michelle