Monday, November 12, 2007

A modest update, 11/12/2007

There's not a great deal to say today, but as promised last week, I'll give a quick run-down on how I'm feeling, and what we're considering. As of today, I've finished 15 radiation treatments on my left hip and tail-bone. And near as I can tell, there is little changed -- for better or worse -- on these tumors. I still feel no real side effects (that's good!) but no real decrease in my pain (that's bad). There are some indications that maybe, just maybe, we're seeing something happen with the tumor at my tail-bone...but the signs are difficult to read, and still more difficult to try and describe here.

I'm planning on tomorrow chatting up Dr. Grapksi, the local medical oncologist, about resuming chemo -- going back to the carboplatin/taxol combo that I like so much. In addition to my experience with this treatment -- that it seemed to keep the pain under control, while softening up or shrinking the near-surface tumors I can feel beneath my skin -- the timing is good. That is, it's a one-every-three-week cycle, so I can make a trip home for Thanksgiving and my consult with Dr. Mulcahy at Northwestern without interrupting the normal treatment cycle.

Next update will come soon, I suppose, with word as to whether or not I'll be starting chemo sooner rather than later.

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