Friday, March 20, 2009

ACS Walk/Run

On April 25th, I will being participating in an American Cancer Society Run/Walk in the Kenosha, WI area. Please view my ACS Personal page @ for details and/or to make a donation. If anyone is interested in walking with me and wouldn't mind making a trip to Wisconsin to do so, please let me know... I will also be walking in the Relay for Life in June (in Elmhurst,IL), a little closer to home for some of you. If anyone would like to join my team (either one), I'd love to have you.

As we approach the one year anniversary of Den's passing, I would like to thank everyone once again for your support and kind words over the past several months... Take care and God Bless. Nikki


Steve said...

It's a tough time for all of us right now, Nikki. Hope everything is well with you and your family. Glad to see you doing some good.

Take care,

Unknown said...

Thanks, Steve... Just when you think there are no more tears, you find out that you have more... Many more. Hope you and the family are doing well. Take care, Hugs, nikki

Renkman said...


I really appreciate you keeping Dennis' Blog active. I visit it often. I appreciate all that you share with us. I miss my buddy. I can't believe it has been a year already. Where does the time go? Give your Mom and brothers a hug for me.

God Bless!

Unknown said...

So hard to believe it's been a year. Dear Rich family&friends, I'm thinking of you. Just really hits you at unexpected times. Nikki, thanks so much for the update.

God Bless, Mary Ann

jim rielley said...

This is Jim and Patty checking in... thinking about Dennis alot these days... missing him alot. We are in South Carolina right now visiting Gigi (Gogliotti) Kayser. We showed her pictures of Dennis' memorial stone. We talk to Dennis in prayer. We pray for the Rich family alot. And we pray for you, Karen, every day...please feel all our love and prayers on this special day.

Renkman said...

My thoughts and prayers are with the whole Rich family and all those whose lives were touched by Dennis, as we remember the one year anniversary of his passing. I miss my friend, and think of him often. Thank you to all who have shared with all of us what Dennis meant to you.


Dennis said...

I know he is with us and watching over us. Cheering on his favorite teams. Listening to his favorite songs. Watching over his favorite people. Caring. Loving. Always there. He is happy. He feels great. It is those that miss him that feel the pain right now... My thoughts are with yours tonight.
God Bless, nikki

librariane said...

If I were going to be around, I'd do the Kenosha walk with you, Nikki--it's only 30 minutes away from me. Thanks for doing it (and other walks/runs).