Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Forever in Our Hearts...

"If you were once connected with someone, does it make sense that the connection is broken just because of a physical death? No, the connection stays. You may just have to listen differently. You may just have to talk differently. The truth is: the connection is never broken. It's quite impossible to break the most powerful connection in the universe. As long as you exist, the connection stays."

Copyright © 1998 Chris Collins

We all miss you Den and wish you were here...

May God ease our hearts this night... and those yet to come.
Take care and God Bless, nikki


Zema said...

My thoughts are with you all on this anniversary.

Anonymous said...

John and I just want all of you to know that we love you and that we are always, always thinking of you and praying for you.
all our love, devotion, and friendship,
jenny rabig

Unknown said...

Nikki, that is such a beautiful quote. Thinking of Dr. D on his birthday, and sending much love to the Rich family.

Mary Ann