Thursday, April 3, 2008


Den's sister again... For those of you who have recently joined us in reading Dennis' blog for information, please read the "comments" after each posting. Not only will you find more information regarding the past several days, between the time of Dennis' last post and the one I just posted, but you will also see comments shared by Dennis' loving friends and family. He was a wonderful Son, Brother, Grandson, Nephew, and not least of all, Friend. We will miss him, yet we are grateful for the end of his pain and the beginning of his new life with our Father in Heaven. Thank-you all for your thoughts and prayers at this time. Feel free to add your thoughts and comments to share as well... Thank-you. Nikki


Anonymous said...

Dear family of Dennis!

Our sincerest and deepest sympathy goes to all of you! We are so sorry about the loss and Steve has said it all: Dennis who was Christ to so many of us.
I could not have put it in better words. I admired him from the beginning for his deep faith and his goodness. We are so very thankful to have had the opportunity to meet him and share some important moments of his life in Germany with him.
We are also grateful to have gotten the chance to correspond with Karen, Dennis' mother.

As Croatians we are specially devoted to the Holy Mother, therefore I would like to place our prayer here:

Hail Mary, full of grace, The Lord is with thee

Blessed art thou among women and blessed

is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners

now and at the hour of our death.


Let him rest in peace.

We luv u and we miss you, Dennis!

Marija, Robert, Suncica, Darija and Dominik

Anonymous said...

Rest in peace Dennis. You will be sorely missed by so many, first and foremost by your family. I only knew you for a short while in Germany, when we played music together, but it was clear right away what a special person you were. All my thoughts and prayers to the family.


Anonymous said...

Dear friend,

I miss you so very much.
I cannot describe into words how having had you in my life has helped shape who I am today...
All I can say is thank you so very much, and thanks be to God for giving you to me as a friend.
I am so sad, but when I picture you in Heaven with Jesus, I cannot help but smile...the fear of living the rest of my life without you in it melts away.
My heart pours out with love and grief for your family, loved ones, and friends.
You didn't just make my world a better place, you made it brighter and more beautiful for all of us.
Moving forward without you will be very, very difficult, but I promise to always remember all that you've shown me and taught me.
I so look forward to seeing you again...
Goodbye, my sweet, dear, special friend.

Mrs.K said...

Dearest family,

You don't know me, but I love your son a great deal. Dennis has been a constant correspondent of mine for nearly a decade. In spite of nearly all our interaction being written, that now seems such a feeble vehicle for expressing the myriad of thought, emotion and sympathy. I trust you will overlook the failures of this attempt.

You, his family, are now just as you have always been, a part of who and how he was and continues to be. Please know that there are prayers lifted up for you from many corners with great love. In the turbulent waters of now, while the promise of reunion seems faded and far away, may that be a flicker of light and warmth.

Peace be with you,


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