Friday, April 11, 2008



Dennis, we will remember you.
Your family

You fought a good fight and now you can rest in the presence of the king. You have left a rich legacy in family and friends, those who loved you and respected you.
In Christ,
John Appleton-jim’s friend and red wing partner

Hey Dude, Shaggy, Dr. D, Deeeeeenis,
Well, on to the next great adventure. Enjoy the journey, peace is now yours, and you are most deserving of it. Thanks for you. Peace out! Megan J

Hi Dr. D,
You are finally home! I will miss our Sunday chats. Thanks for being a great friend and a great example of God’s love. Nancy

Dear Dennis,
Your brilliance, friendship, warmth and humor will be greatly missed. Thanks for all the fond memories from the Happening, Turkey Bowls, and long discussions into the night. Now that you are at peace, I hope that you will intercede in our lives and keep an eye on us. We’ll need it. –Andrew

Dr. D,
You’ve run the race and heard those wondrous words, “Welcome home, good and faithful servant!” And what a race you ran. Please pray for those of us left who will miss you terribly. I’m thankful to God for having known you, your courage and faithfulness. Mary Ann

Well, having just completed the sorrowful mysteries at your wake, I felt moved to come type a message to you, who were Christ to so many. Meditating on the agony in the garden, the scourging at the pillar, the crowning with thorns, the carrying of the cross, and the crucifixion, I can’t help but think of all the trials and suffering you went through. Dennis, my friend, even before being afflicted with this terrible disease, you struggled to work out your salvation in fear and trembling, and every step of the way you put yourself in the loving care of the Lord. Taking risks, both social, spiritual, and emotional, you sought the truth no matter where it was hiding. And in the process, you shared your love with a servant’s heart. In the end, I do believe that your suffering, both corporal and spiritual, tempered you into a man of great faith, and pure heart. Like Nathaniel, you my friend were without guile. I will miss you with all of my heart. I will miss spending time with you, sharing my life with you, and sharing my faith journey with you, and I am working out now how to interact with you in your new role – your new station. You’ve been promoted, buddy – from the church militant to the church triumphant. I’ll miss your servant’s heart and your doctor’s brain, and I will strive to imitate the best in you. I’ll miss you my friend. God take you and keep you. Pray for us.
Pax Christi,

I can call you brother, because you were like a brother to me. For thirty years you and I have been friends. It is with deep sorrow in my heart that I must let you go, but I know it is time, and you are no longer in pain. You are the bravest man I know, and my life was touched like so many others by your kind spirit, and wonderful outlook on life. You could have become bitter, but you never were. You could have given up, but you never did. I think of you often, and I will miss you the rest of my time on Earth.
Until we meet again,

Thank you for your friendship, your love, and for just being you. We will miss you. Peace -Chrissy


librariane said...

I'm grateful for all the memories shared, and that this blog is continuing.

I posted a small blurb on my blog:

Becky Hinkle said...

Dr. D,

During your life on earth, you inspired me to tirelessly pursue knowledge and truth, to do whatever I do with fervor and honestly, and most importantly, to hold dear the precious gift of life.

Now that you have embarked on your life in heaven, you continue to touch my life and my world. I strive to be truer, inspired I am by your example. Simply put, I am a better person for having known you.

I admire you greatly, not just for your noble pursuits while on earth, but most especially for the strength and grace you demonstrated in your battle. Your positive impact on my life is your sustaining gift to me, to us all.

Good night, sweet prince.


Anonymous said...

Dearest Friend~
I cannot believe that is has already been over a month since you've gone to be with Jesus.
As my hear leaps with joy over your new life with your new and glorious body, I cannot help but feel how much your presence on earth is missed in my life. I promise to continue working on getting to know you in your new life, and, as always, I so look forward to seeing you again. My prayers continue to be with your family.
I heard a discussion the other day about the persecution of Paul and Timothy. While in the midst of their torture and suffering, they repeatedly sang the praises to God and felt so much joy for the honor of being persecuted for the sake of Jesus. Listening to that message, I could not help but think of you. What a miracle you have been to all of us!
It has truly been amazing and precious for me to have witnessed your joy, your strength, and your courage in the midst of all your suffering. I will always hold those memories close to my heart, and I will work every day to try and be more Christ-like. Your daily example of sharing such a beautiful soul with all of us is a source of constant encouragement.
I am working on seeing things more clearly. Your life testament will be a continual reminder for me to always seek the will of the Lord and to surrender myself to Him.
I cannot thank you enough for all you've done. I just know that I've been truly blessed to have had you in my life.
Thank you and thank you, Jesus, for the gift of your friendship.
I do miss you.
I will continue to miss you.
I so look forward to seeing you again.
Blessed be the Lord in all things -in plenty and in want, in joy and in suffering, in all things, blessed be the Lord.
Miss you and love you so very much

Anonymous said...

Dennis, you know all things now. There is so much to say, but yet nothing that words can express. Pray for me.

Steve said...

2 months yesterday. Miss you friend. Pray for me as I pray for you.

I was reading the latest Odd Thomas book by Dean Koontz (I don't think we ever talked about these books so you probably aren't familiar with them). Anyway, there's a passage in the book that beautifully sums up how I feel about our friendship even in light of the loss of you moving on. I'll see if I can find it and I'll post it here if I can.

Pax Christi.

Anonymous said...

Dear friend,
It was two months yesterday.
I even brought it up to my mom at about 10:15pm.
I keep wondering how long it's been there for you. I keep imagining that it would seem like forever and yesterday all at once.
Pray for me.
My heart is always with you and your family and dear ones.

all my love and friendship

Anonymous said...

I was downtown today, which reminded me that it's Chicago Blues Fest time. It was like a punch in the stomach and I really, really missed you. Then my mom reminded me that you are in a place where you can hear and play all the Blues that you want! That's got to be pretty amazing, my friend.
I miss you and love you so much!

Steve said...

Funny, I was downtown for Blues Fest yesterday myself.

Dennis, I told you this in prayer but somehow it's good to write it here too, so I will.

I saw Chico Banks :) He was playing guitar and I was delighted. I know you saw him once with Buddy Guy at his place after we saw him at Blues Fest all those years ago, but I had not seen nor heard from him since. Guess he's still around!

Ain't no party like a Chico party...

Anonymous said...

"...Pray for me, and I'll pray for you. Pray that we can keep the common ground...Won't you pray for me, and I'll pray for you. And one day, love will bring us back around...again..."

Anonymous said...

thank you guys for keeping talking to and about Dennis. I just got back from a family trip to Walt Disney World where Dennis and I went in January. There were times when I was saddenned by missing him and resentful for him being taken so soon in life. I was grateful to have gotten the chance to spend some time with him. I miss Dennis and think of him often.

And Dennis, you are well loved and thought of in my house.

Love you

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I almost forgot.

what do you think of the Bulls #1 Draft pick? And are we going to have a Chicago World Series this year?


Anonymous said...

What do you think about what's happened/going on with "LOST?"

jenny (patton) rabig said...

I know it's a bit redundant, discussing every month and all, but I find myself missing you a lot more on these days...I miss your laugh and your smile and your unending patience w/ all of my constant questions! :) I think of you and your family all the time.
As always, I so look forward to when I may see you again.
love you my dear friend

Steve said...

Thanks for the constant prayers, Dennis, and for the special intentions. I have a lot of confidence in where you are and the work you're doing right now (especially in light of recent events). And I am truly grateful for whatever help you have been able to ask for. In firm hope that these thoughts reach you still, and gratitude for being such a good friend, then and now...

Pax Christi,

jenny (patton) rabig said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Becky Hinkle said...

Hey Dr. D,

I know that I don't need to ask how you are doing, because I know that your endless moments in Heaven are filled with nothing but God's perfect beauty and goodness. And it must be so cool for you that the Bears *always* win the Super Bowl.

I have a favor to ask...your prayers, and the prayers of your wonderful family and friends whom you loved and who will always love you so dearly, are needed for a young man who is suffering as you did on earth. His name is Matt Fay, he is 23 years old, and he desperately needs prayers of healing. For the last year and a half Matt has been battling a Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor (DSRCT), which is a highly aggressive tumor that frequently occurs as multiple masses in the abdomen. DSRCT is classified as a soft tissue sarcoma that predominately affects boys and young adults.

Around this past Christmas Matt was accepted into a clinical trial at Sloan-Kettering and underwent aggressive treatments, but sadly the treatments had no effect on the cancer - in fact, his cancer has grown much worse.

Matt and his family also have a blog - anyone can read up on Matt and his treatments at

As always, thanks for the prayers, Dr. who knows better than anyone what Matt is going through right now. And thanks to all Dennis's family and friends out there reading this who can offer up prayers for Matt's healing.

Dr. D, your abundant blessings to us all continue...


Anonymous said...

Two things: First, Matt will be in my prayers. God bless him.

Second, Dennis loved the Blues Fests. He had to have a t-shirt everytime he went...he had a lot of T-shirts. His family wears them now and remembers him every time we do. Of course we remember him and miss him all the time. I remember him coming home and talking about who he saw and heard at the fests. Good times!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dennis,

We think of you a lot and we keep you in our prayers. I just had the urgent feeling to look into your blog again because I haven't had much time lately and I like to read and see that other people are thinking of you and keeping in contact as well. Last Saturday Far From Home had a voluntary gig for kids who have fallen ill with cancer. Our kids and me went there, too. The owner of the place is a loving father who lost his daughter at the age of 15 due to a lost battle to cancer. All this happened in 1999. After that he established a society with the name of "Erlebnisranch - Wunschinsel" which means as much as "Adventure ranch - Isle of desire". It is meant for children who are suffering from severe illnesses, mostly cancer, and also for retarded children. The society raises money thru different actions and this time they organized a Country Weekend. This is how Far From Home became part of it.
I often ask myself how the place might look like where you (and my beloved cousin among others) continue to live now. I am convinced that both of you found a place with God and that you are looking down on us mortals who are still struggling to be good people on earth. It's not always an easy task to fulfill, to live God's word every day, to not forget that life is fatal and that we should try to carry God's word into the world every single day. In difficult moments (or at least they seem to be) it is quite helpful to think of the gratitude and dignity and most of all the faith I always saw in you. Please include my family in your precious prayers.
Dear Becky, I will include Matt in my prayers also.
Dennis, we miss you.
Pocivao u miru Bozjem (it's a Croatian short prayer for the deceased).
Marija and family

Unknown said...

Blues Fest and Da' Bears... yup... Den definitely loved Chicago.

Matt will be in our prayers... nikki and the boys