Dennis, we will remember you.
Your family
You fought a good fight and now you can rest in the presence of the king. You have left a rich legacy in family and friends, those who loved you and respected you.
In Christ,
John Appleton-jim’s friend and red wing partner
Hey Dude, Shaggy, Dr. D, Deeeeeenis,
Well, on to the next great adventure. Enjoy the journey, peace is now yours, and you are most deserving of it. Thanks for you. Peace out! Megan J
Hi Dr. D,
You are finally home! I will miss our Sunday chats. Thanks for being a great friend and a great example of God’s love. Nancy
Dear Dennis,
Your brilliance, friendship, warmth and humor will be greatly missed. Thanks for all the fond memories from the Happening, Turkey Bowls, and long discussions into the night. Now that you are at peace, I hope that you will intercede in our lives and keep an eye on us. We’ll need it. –Andrew
Dr. D,
You’ve run the race and heard those wondrous words, “Welcome home, good and faithful servant!” And what a race you ran. Please pray for those of us left who will miss you terribly. I’m thankful to God for having known you, your courage and faithfulness. Mary Ann
Well, having just completed the sorrowful mysteries at your wake, I felt moved to come type a message to you, who were Christ to so many. Meditating on the agony in the garden, the scourging at the pillar, the crowning with thorns, the carrying of the cross, and the crucifixion, I can’t help but think of all the trials and suffering you went through. Dennis, my friend, even before being afflicted with this terrible disease, you struggled to work out your salvation in fear and trembling, and every step of the way you put yourself in the loving care of the Lord. Taking risks, both social, spiritual, and emotional, you sought the truth no matter where it was hiding. And in the process, you shared your love with a servant’s heart. In the end, I do believe that your suffering, both corporal and spiritual, tempered you into a man of great faith, and pure heart. Like Nathaniel, you my friend were without guile. I will miss you with all of my heart. I will miss spending time with you, sharing my life with you, and sharing my faith journey with you, and I am working out now how to interact with you in your new role – your new station. You’ve been promoted, buddy – from the church militant to the church triumphant. I’ll miss your servant’s heart and your doctor’s brain, and I will strive to imitate the best in you. I’ll miss you my friend. God take you and keep you. Pray for us.
Pax Christi,
I can call you brother, because you were like a brother to me. For thirty years you and I have been friends. It is with deep sorrow in my heart that I must let you go, but I know it is time, and you are no longer in pain. You are the bravest man I know, and my life was touched like so many others by your kind spirit, and wonderful outlook on life. You could have become bitter, but you never were. You could have given up, but you never did. I think of you often, and I will miss you the rest of my time on Earth.
Until we meet again,
Thank you for your friendship, your love, and for just being you. We will miss you. Peace -Chrissy